Donate or sponsor items needed to manifest our development plans.
Village Infrastructure
- quality tents for new volunteers
- solar panels, heat exchanger, thermoelectric generators and microhydro turbines
- salt water or sand battery or equivalent sustainable and clean power storage
- excavator to dig holes, build roads, remove stumps/trees and clean-up fire damage
- campground office and facilities
Building Materials
- windows and doors
- battery operated or hand tools and saws
- canvas cloth (natural materials, no plastic)
- screws, nails, rope, fasteners and strong ties
- hydrated lime for plaster
- boiled linseed oil
Kitchen Tools
- grinding stones, mortar & pestles
- powerless kitchen tools
- oil press for seeds, etc
- butter churner
- stainless steel pots, serving paraphernalia
- cast iron pans, cauldrons
Purchase items and deliver to Vedic Eco Village or contact us and we will pick up at your location.
Our Mailing Address:
Vedic Eco Village c/o Ron Schnider
PO Box 272 Ashcroft, BC V0K1A0 Canada