The Vedic Eco Village has rustic accommodations for volunteers, gau-sevites and campers. There are different options depending on the season and availability. Our facilities are rustic but clean.
- spring water
- outdoor sun-heated showers
- solar power
- limited internet available
- communal spaces
Living off-grid is austere and requires extra work and time. People need to spend time here as a guest and/or worker before making long term living decisions.
- no running hot water, instead solar and wood heated buckets
- outhouse (no indoor toilet)
- mosquitos, rodents, rattlesnakes (in the summer)
- cold nights year round (we live in mountains)
- chopped wood for fireplace (no fires in summer)
We live in a high altitude valley surrounded by mountains, so weather can be extremely cold or windy.
The land around the ecovillage is available for camping. There are RV/camper/tent spots, some with a water hydrant. Trailers are available for short term visits

Hotels in Cache Creek are 20 minutes away.