
The Vedic Eco Village has rustic accommodations for volunteers, gau-sevites and campers. There are different options depending on the season and availability.

Our facilities are rustic but clean and green.

  • spring water
  • outdoor sun-heated showers
  • solar power
  • limited internet available
  • communal indoor space, library

Living off-grid is austere and requires extra work and time.


The land around the library cabin of the ecovillage is available for camping.

camp ground

  •  RV/camper/tent spots
  •  outhouse 

The library cabin is available for campers use.  The chulha mass heater can be used to cook or make hot water.

library cabin


  •  available for short term visits 
  •  chopped wood for fireplace (no fires in summer)


  •   no running hot water, instead solar and wood heated buckets
  •   outhouse (no indoor toilet)
  •   mosquitos, rodents, rattlesnakes (in the summer)
  •   cold nights year round (we live in mountains)

We live in a high altitude valley surrounded by mountains, so weather can be extremely cold or windy.  

People need to spend time here as a guest and/or worker before making long term living decisions.


Eco Village map

Public Access Areas in Saranagati and Vedic Eco Village

Hotels in Cache Creek are 20 minutes away.

Living @ Vedic Eco Village

We cultivate an environment of love, peace, truth, honesty, ahimsa, self-sufficiency, permaculture and cow protection

Living Standards

  • Respect for all people and faiths
  • Minimal screen time, devices, etc.
  • Minimal plastics. We’re each responsible for the garbage we bring in and generate.
  • No smoking, alcohol or drug use.
  • No scents, perfumes, deodorants, chemical shampoos, laundry or soaps
  • No outdoor fires from June to October.
  • No gas-powered tools or generators
  • No gas-powered vehicles, motorcycles, quads, atv, etc
  • Bring your own bedding, toilet paper, towels and natural cleaning products

No drugs, alcohol and cigarettes – your body is the temple of your soul

Vedic philosophy places emphasis on health and wellness, as these are conducive to opening up your body, mind and soul for spiritual practice and higher thinking. Thus, intoxicants (drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, white sugar etc.) are not acceptable.

Cleanliness and serenity – a clean environment and body support a healthy mind

Our community values cleanliness and the resulting positive energy very highly. Therefore, we show each other respect by maintaining cleanliness at all times, in personal hygiene as well as our buildings.

Eating Standards

One principle most Eastern philosophies have in common is “ahimsa”, or non-violence towards all living entities. This is why you won’t find any meat, fish and eggs here, and why we also avoid animal products like gelatine, animal fats and commercial dairy. Thanks in advance for not bringing any meat, fish or egg products to the farm.

  • Ahimsa preparation.  no meat, fish, eggs, commercial dairy, mushroom, garlic, onions or junk food
  • organic whole spices, millet, quinoa, green + brown lentils, chickpeas, mung, urad, spelt, kamut, rown, red, wild, basmati rice, mung, chickpeas, urud, lentils (all colors), rye, besan and buckwheat flour
  • Please no processed food, no junk food.
  • Honoring of prasad without Prajalpa (idle speech about mundane news, politics and events)

Work Trade & Even Energy Exchange

We provide accommodations, food from the garden & root cellar, clean spring water, solar showers, internet and power.  In exchange for 10 hours of work a week or about 2 hours/day... less if you are living in our own RV/camper/tent.

  • Villagers do not pay to live here, or get paid -  this helps to maintain good friendships!
  • No money is exchanged, rather goods (ie. food, crafts) and services (ie. farm labour, construction) are traded