Frequently Asked Questions

Why build an Eco Village?
Villages are the heart of Vedic Culture.  The heart of the culture is based on land, cows and our service to Krishna, specifically through the natural activities of farming and agriculture, which can only be done properly and effectively when there are cows and bulls.  The Vedic norm is that most families have their own cows, so a village is needed for sustainable grazing.

How many people will live in the Eco Village?

According to Vedic teachings, there should be a minimum of 100 families to make a village function properly. Village can exist will less number of families, but these guidelines suggest that is a higher level of support when there are  large number of families living together and helping each other.

Also there will naturally be children born who will be future leaders of a Vedic Eco Village, where the majority of devotees will be nicely engaged locally, meeting their basic needs, provide for by the land and cows and devotional activities, as spoken in sastra.  Our basic necessities are food, clothing, shelter and medicine - all exist in our valley waiting to be tapped.

When will the Teaching Center begin operations?

It will take time for the basic infrastructure to be established and basic facilities are an in place and find teachers available.  This will give an opportunity to address any concerns. We hope to introduce the Varnasarama College and introduce courses and prepare individuals who later on can help with the building and establishment of the Learning Center.  

Why build a Goshala?

The Vedic norm is that every family should care for at least one cow.   Within each community, more naturally and geographically, there should be localize cows that serve each community.  In the Vedic culture, householders are meant to care for cows daily.  As Krishna shows by his personal example, householders are meant to worship cows on a daily basis, so we are trying to reach this high standard.   A Goshala brings us closer to a what a Vedic Village is meant to be, and the cow culture will become part of our life.  From cow culture, a cow economy emerges which is the basic of Vedic economics as taught in our literatures.  We will be gradually be introducing cow products, with the idea of encouraging devotees to use this products to reduce harmful chemically produced products such as soap, toothpaste and detergents that are harmful to the body and soil. 

Living @ Vedic Eco Village

See our intake page for information on living here.

Can I build a home @ Vedic Eco Village ?

Building a permanent residence is a complex issue, we can explain more once you've spent some time here.  Ideally you have a tiny house, RV, yurt or other temporary home.

Can I live there year round?

Yes, we currently lack winter accommodations.  We are trying to build more accommodations for people who want to come and help.

What is an equal energy exchange?
Our work system is an equal energy exchange. We provide for accommodations, produce from the garden, clean spring water, solar showers, internet and power in exchange for work in the garden and building projects.
  • It works out to about 2 or 3 hours of work a day.
  • No money is exchanged and this helps to maintain great friendships!
  • our energy exchange contract is timeless
  • everyone is a free agent to come and go as you wish

What type of work could we do?

There is lots to do on farm from March to November.  Daily we are preparing prasad offerings. We are managing our forests and building infrastructure everyday. There is more indoor work in the winter.  

What sort of work arrangements can we have? Must I work full-time to be staying there or can I work outside of the farm?

We have an ever energy exchange.   Depending on your needs of shelter, food, etc, you contribute to eco village.  We don't exchange  dollars, but we understand that you may need money, so working outside is ok.

Can I buy a share in the Eco Village?
We don't have an option to "buy in" as we already own our land share.  Buying in means living here and participating in daily life and manifesting the vision.   We are looking for people who will dedicate their lives to cow service.  After 13 moons of service, you can apply for Villager status.
Do you have wifi and cell service?
Wifi is available, but we encourage minimal screen time on devices. We have shared wifi that is on between 5am and midnight.  The speed is slower than cities and the bandwidth is max 5 MBPs.  Two bars (sometimes less) of cell service is available.