Introducing cow-based natural farming (ahimsa food/ahimsa milk), reviving traditional technologies (ahimsa cloth and other cottage industries), giving special protection to indigenous cows and introducing panchagavya products to help meet basic physical needs.
Re-establishing traditional education and training, both non- formal such as apprenticeship and formal such as Varnasrama Colleges to create Acharyas and Vaidyas who will be qualified to develop traditional Vedic curriculum.
Promoting group projects, festivals, counseling services and cultural events to help meet basic social needs.
Introducing Yoga, Meditation and sadhana practices, like hearing from scriptures, to help meet basic consciousness/spiritual needs.
Reestablishing the dignity and respect Mother Surabhi (cows), to Mother Bhumi (land), and to Mother Sarasvati (knowledge) recognizing them as natural GIFTS OF NATURE that are never meant to be exploited, abused, neglected or destroyed.