Technology is not a modern invention, it has existed right from the day of creation. Technology in bygone ages meant maneuvering natural resources only for essential higher purposes in life without disturbing the equilibrium in the ecology. Even now in the villages people are skilled in many technologies that modern technologist undermine, considering them redundant for all practical purposes.

The Varnasrama College included ‘Village Technologies’ as part of the curriculum with the idea to restore and preserve the surviving village technologies, making them available for diligent use.  

The following are some of the activities that were included in the Varnasrama College course: 1) Knots, Lashings, Hitches and Whippings, 2) Hut Construction using Locally Available Materials, 3) Weaving Cloth from Pure Cotton, 4) Tree Climbing, and 5) Natural Decors.

Prepared by Hari Kirtan das
Coordinator/SSKBK Varnasrama College - 2018