News Reports

First eco village progress update

Our weekly summary of activities begins!  We have mapped out and measured the boundaries of our Vedic Eco Village and selected 4 acres of land facing east for the Gurukula Colony. Markings have been put into strategic points identifying  the Raja Marga and Circle Road all converging at the centre point where the temple will be located. Areas have been identified for micro-cabins and guest residence to be built in cob and cord-wood style construction. In the future we plan to have an area outside the Gurukula Colony for woofers/guests to stay in the summer time. Our contractor will soon come to build the 1008 meter long water pipeline to service the Gurukula Colony as well as the entire eco village.  In addition, we will be making the roads and boundary of the 33 acres property. Construction, land clearing and landscaping will begin in early June for which we welcome the participation of…