Wildfire Reflections, Lessons and Plans

A wildfire which measured over 200 square kilometres burned more than 20 structures in the Venables Valley, including at least six homes.  Vedic Eco Village homes were untouched, but the library and books were destroyed.  The Saranagati temple, goshala, and school are ok.

The fire remained out of control for a week in valley.  Hot and dry conditions coupled with gusty winds fuelled erratic and aggressive behaviour on the fire.  200 firefighters fought this blaze.

Everyone including cows were evacuated. The fire then threatened the ranch where the cows were evacuated to, so cows were relocated to a very nice pasture in the mountains near Kamloops.

The next morning, the cows escaped their pasture and started running down the road, hoping to arrive back at their goshala in Saranagati (150km away). We followed them and were able to corral the cows into a horse pasture a mile down the road.  The cows were then relocated again to a good barn with lots of hay. 

cow barnThe cows really missed home, and so did we. It’s hoped they can return soon along with the other residents.


cache creek

While Saranagati residents were relocated to hotels in nearby smokey cities, eco villagers camped with their dogs.  Due to the smoke, we camped high up in the mountains with clear skies and clean water, patiently waiting for the fires to subside.

fire above house

Our water system were dry at homes and garden due to water diversions from the fire fighters.  There are spot files burning everywhere.  The yurt and surrounding area was saved.  A fire burned in the forest above the yurt.  The reeds of Home Lake burned.  Trees only survived areas that were fire smarted.  Garden survived nicely, plants are dry from heat wave last wee -  the mulching we did helped. The currants, cherries and raspberries are abundant and this will feed us for the next week.

Maharaj's Cabin was untouched by fires, which burned the surrounding forest, but not the big trees in firesmarted areas.   South West of the eco village was completely scorched.  Nothing remain of the Library or area except the chulha.  Both trailers were scorched to ash and melted metal.  Most of the colony and fences are burned.

The Mill miraculously survived despite one of its wood railing being burned.  Thanks to strong southern winds, the bandsaw was blown away from the lumber pile which completely burned to ash

We are thankful and grateful to the firefighters who camped around the yurt and saved the buildings of the eco village. The fire destroyed our vedic library.  We will rebuild and continue our development plans in harmony with nature, accepting and preparing for future fires and other weather extremes. 


Post Fire Priorities

  • Harvesting and drying berries and preparing for winter
  • Rebuild fire-proof library in it's intended colony location
  • Collect Vedic Books
  • Build fire safe structures
  • Trailer full of supplies and food that can be pulled by ox
  • Portable solar panels and power system for communication, etc
  • Nourishing our forest with water lenses
  • Expanding water system
  • Replacing plastic irrigation systems

Future Steps

  • Start daily training camp for vedic living off grid
  • Replace plastic greenhouse with walipini
  • Replace mill with people/ox powered engine
  • Print evacuation plan and maps with survival guide
  • move seed bank underground

More details in the Post Wildfire Development plan




Queen Kunti prays that, whatever calamities we find ourselves in, we should remain strong and learn to increase our dependence on the Lord.