Report on July 1, 2017

Varnasrama College activities are in full swing. This week was dedicated to clearing the Eco Village land, in preparation for building.  Forest debris around the tool shed and greenhouse were moved into piles - 1 building materials, 1 chipping materials and 1 for building berms (wind blocks).  

Both the new toolshed and new greenhouse structures will be adjacent to the existing Bhaktivedanta Library building and once the areas have been cleaned of debris, we will concentrate on beginning landscaping work in the east entrance of the Gurukula Colony where we have two plots of land on each side of the Raj Marg dedicated for gardens. We plan to start the construction for the toolshed and greenhouse very soon.

Devotees hold daily Srimad-Bhagavatam class in the morning at the cabin. Seen in the picture are Daiva prabhu giving class, and Bala Krishna prabhu’s guests visiting from the USA, Ananda mataji, wife of Dr. Gopinatha prabhu along with Rameshji from India. Not in the picture but attending class are Kisora prabhu and Danavir prabhu. 

Our courses will continue for another two and a half months. Anyone wishing to join us may write to us directly for more details. 

We planted potatoes in the garden and started to transplant seedlings from the greenhouse.  Since the weather is getting very hot (35+ degrees Celsius), watering is very important at this time.  Drip lines are being extended, as this is the best way to water in hot times.