Food Supply for Eco Village

Farming and cow-protection provides the foundation for self-sustaining living and also generated prosperity for the rest of the society. A village should be an ecologically closed unit. Dung from cows fertilizers the grains and vegetables, and waste from vegetables and grains is food for cows and sheep. The surplus from this ecological cycle should be sold to markets outside the village. This makes for a stable economy.

We are currently growing Carrots, Beets, Potatoes, Peas, Cucumber, Broccoli, Kale, Chard, Lettuce, Spinach, Strawberry, Cabbage, Green Beans, Zucchini, Radish, Fennel, Squash, Asparugus and Corn. 

Apple, Pear, Cherry, Apricot, Hazelnut and Walnut trees trees are 10 years old.  Raspberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, honeyberries (hascaps) and saskatoon berries are growing. Millet, buckwheat, grains and pulse seeds are being saved for future plantings. 

We grow assorted flowers, herbs, and spices.  Our value added items are Jams, Pickled Good, Juice, Teas and Baked Goods.  We will grow hay for our future Eco Village cows.


Future Gardens inside the Eco Village colony will be flower oriented and inspired by Mayapur.  We will plant plant trees on eastern boundary of gardens, beside the colony fence.  Boxes will be built around trees that act as benches for visitors to the garden.  The existing land is sloping east, and should be flattened or terraced.  Existing grass will expanded by watering.  We will save seeds from existing flowers and plant them in flower beds.

The Vedic Eco Village will serve as a model for other societies and for our neighboring villages. Today, some farm communities have evolved into suburban country dwellings with devotees commuting to nearby towns to work, and cow-protection exists due to subsidies from donors.

Our goal is to produce as much food as we can.  Srila Prabhupada said "we should not be thinking to sell any of the crops for profit. That is not our purpose. The village organization is that the local people produce their necessities like grain, vegetables, milk, and cloth; and for recreation they have chanting. They should live there comfortably and have spiritual recreation. They should not come to the cities. I wish to introduce this ideal now.

The idea is that local inhabitants will be satisfied with their bare necessities of life and their attention will be diverted towards spiritual development of life. That is the aim of human birth."

Cherry growing in Co-op garden