As in the original Vrindavan, cows play a central role in the lives of the Brajavasis, similarly, we plan to focus all the activities within our Vedic Eco Village around cows and agriculture. We will build a new goshala to host cows from nearby Ahimsa Goshala. The Goshala will be the first structure to be built in the VeV colony. The bulls and ox will be in a separate area of the village. Guest cabins will be located beside goshala.
The cow shed will be a structure of wood and cob built into a NE facing dug-out slope. Inside are four 10 foot by 10 foot wood cube structure: 2 shelter cows, the others 2 are for worker and tools. The goshala entrance faces North East with south windows for optimal winter sun.
The worker cube has a wood stove, storage shed, milk storage, bed for napping and water storage tanks. Cow cube have a sleeping and shaded area.
A chulha mass heater stove warms humans and cows.
Cubes are covered with cob and earth. Flowers and grasses planted over top.
Building Features
- underground + earth roof = Fire proof !!!
- solar heated and powered
- walls coated with plaster and dung
- hemp straw and clay walls/insulation
- sparkless chulha for heating
For the maintenance and good health of the cows we will have designated grazing areas and when the weather permits, will arrange for the cows to be out grazing most of the day. In connection with cows, we plan to introduce Panchagavya products such as body soaps, incense, washing soap, tooth powder, phenol and other products. Srila Prabhupada wanted us to protect cows. That means he wanted that we take products from protected cows.
Project Tasks & Budget
Landscaping 3000
Wood from Forest 0
Labour to cut lumber (200 hours * $15) 3000
Nails 200
Supplies & Hardware 500
Windows and Doors 1000
Carpentry: (160 hours * $15) 2400
4 x 10 by 10 cubes 2800
Milling Work (40 hours * $25) 1000
cube joinery and skylight 2000
Veranda 1000
Cob floor 1500
Mass heater and ducts 1500
Feeding area 500
Storage facility for hay and bedding 3000
Cow brushes & tools 500
Water stations 500
Hoist 500
Fencing for goshala 1000
Kitchen & Work area for gopas & gopis 1000
Facility for guests, gopas & gopis 3100