News Reports

Measuring the Land

This past week has been a week of "measurements". We started by selecting the site for the greenhouse soon to be coming up. The greenhouse will be located to the east of the existing library building and will measure 20 by 40 feet using metal posts as the arches.  It will be a similar model to the one constructed in Ramanath's garden. We will start planting when the soil is transferred and laid out. The greenhouse will provide food for the Eco Village from March until November.  In addition to the greenhouse, we also measured out the future toolshed that will be located to the immediate west of the same library building. The third project to be taken up in the days to come is in connection with the unfinished loft at the log cabin. Both Bala and Ramanath are seen measuring the length needed to add a 1/4-inch log to give support to the loft. We plan to relocate the wooden stove to the…

Irrigation Systems for Farming and Cows

Now that the water line and hydrants are in place, we can easily irrigate our fruit orchard.  A drip system is in place using a barrel.  The barrel is filled with water and it drains slowly to the drip line below.  We have also planted some poplar trees as a wind block.  As well, the first of the strawberries have been planted.  The next stage of farm infrastructure building is to prepare the soil for the future greenhouse.  We now have a total of nine hydrants for our Vedic Eco Village project and we are beginning to see how useful it is to have them strategically placed at different locations. We have three hydrants east of the Minnabariet road that divides the Gurukula Colony and the cabin area. Two of those hydrants are close to the main cabin. One has been placed adjacent to the newly cleared area that will be home for a trailer we plan to shift this week. This will serve students…

Waterline Completed and Operational

One of the most basic and vital utilities needed for an individual and community is water. To provide for the effective development of our Vedic Eco Village we had envisioned adding a new waterline that would have to cover 3500 feet.  Just for the materials, a total of 1500 feet of two inch and 2000 feet of one inch pipes had to be ordered, along with seven hydrants and various brass fittings for the connections, an initial investment over $ 6,000. So not a simple undertaking. The work involved digging up a six feet deep canal covering the total distance of 3500 feet where the connected water pipes would be placed and safely covered. The first 1500 feet would be the two-inch pipe and the balance of 2000 feet would be the one-inch pipe. Due to harsh winter seasons in Canada where the temperature drops 20 degree below zero or more, a pipeline needs to be well insulated from the frost,…

First eco village progress update

Our weekly summary of activities begins!  We have mapped out and measured the boundaries of our Vedic Eco Village and selected 4 acres of land facing east for the Gurukula Colony. Markings have been put into strategic points identifying  the Raja Marga and Circle Road all converging at the centre point where the temple will be located. Areas have been identified for micro-cabins and guest residence to be built in cob and cord-wood style construction. In the future we plan to have an area outside the Gurukula Colony for woofers/guests to stay in the summer time. Our contractor will soon come to build the 1008 meter long water pipeline to service the Gurukula Colony as well as the entire eco village.  In addition, we will be making the roads and boundary of the 33 acres property. Construction, land clearing and landscaping will begin in early June for which we welcome the participation of…