Sudra Traditional Technologies and Skills

"Sudra" a Respected Title


We all know how the word "sudra" in present day society generates negative and unfavourable remarks and feelings. However, when we understand that human civilization begins when one is part of the varnasrama system, this means that those playing the role of sudras are part of the Aryan civilization and meant to be cared for and respected. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 7, Chapter 11, Srila Narada Muni expounds the qualities of a sudra as…

Technology means sudra

Generally the sons of brahmana and ksatriyas especially, these two sects up to vaisya, they were trained up as brahmacaris. And sudras were not interested. The door is open for everyone, but the lower class, except brahmana, ksatriya, they are not interested to become brahmacari, or their parents are not interested. Just like we are going to open this brahmacari school, or asrama. But I am doubtful whether we'll get many children, because in this age…