Brahmana Culture

Teaching, Worshipping and Preaching


Varnasrama Education refers to the systems of varëa and äçrama as a self-contained educational institution based on the Vedic teachings which lead individuals and society at large towards the perfection of life, i. e. individual and social emancipation. It takes into account the fullness of the living entity, fulfilling his physical needs, his emotional, intellectual and social needs, as well as his spiritual needs.

This system of varna and äshrama is best practiced within an agrarian…

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The five pillars of training and education cover: 1. Definition, 2. Disposition, 3. Delivery, 4. Design, and 5. Direction.

1. DEFINITION: Actual education means the simultaneous cultivation of jïänam (phenomenal) and vijïänam (numinous) knowledge through formal, non-formal and informal practices. [Bhagavad-gita 7.2]

2. DISPOSITION: A correct education entails that both the teacher and the student must demonstrate specific traits. A qualified teacher must display nine basic…

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Yajna Shala

The Gurukula Colony will feature many aspects of the traditional Vedic culture centered on the traditional educational system of Gurukula. Traditionally, gurukula was for the education of not only brahmanas, but also ksatriyas and vaisyas. Our Gurukula Colony will cater to both brahminical training and ksatriya training. Since the Gurukula Colony will also be home for a Varnasrama College, we will also have courses and activities for the other two varnas, namely Vaisya and Sudra.


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