We are studying the three fundamental values upheld in the Vedic culture, namely the importance of cows, land, knowledge and their effect on the social, cultural, economical, health, educational and ecological status in each village
Problem Identification
1 Modernism (industrialization and urbanization) has disconnected and uprooted individuals and society from land, cows, culture, tradition and spirituality.
2 As a result, Modernism is destroying three cardinal values of prime importance in the Vedic culture, namely 1) the Gift of Cows, 2) the Gift of Land and 3) the Gift of Knowledge.
Problem Formulation
1 Modernity, with its over-fixation on materialism, has uprooted individuals and communities from land, cows, culture, and spirituality thus thwarting people’s physical, mental, social and spiritual needs.
2 Unless we reestablish cows, land and knowledge as natural GIFTS OF NATURE not to be exploited, abused or destroyed, we will continue to face severe global social, political, economic and ecological calamities.
Our modern urbanized and industrialized society is overburdened with sufferings, calamities, and increased irregularities that have taken global dimensions such as desertification, deforestation,…