Ox & Cow Care

Welcome to the hub of ox & cow care activity and information in the Saranagati community. 

We want to grow our herd with a new sire/bull.  This requires a shelter for bulls and increased hay production in our fields.  They support the development of Nandishala and other cow related endeavors.

Cow & ox related organizations:

Ahimsa Goshala has 8 cows and 2 barns. Pujas and special events are hosted at the goshala.  They are securing local hay sources and fencing more grazing land.

Vedic Eco Village uses ox to plow fields.  We have a small goshala in our garden for ox.  We will host future cows and bulls born from existing gir cows. We are building a heated goshala before acquiring cows & bulls.

ISKCON Saranagati manages hay fields, has milking cow plans and grows crops in the Community Field.